Dinosaurs Unextinct Exhibit at the Los Angeles Zoo April 15 to October 21, 2016
The Dinosaurs Unextinct exhibit will be on display at the Los Angeles Zoo from April 15 to October 21, 2016. Come face to face with 17 life-size, lifelike animatronic dinosaurs for fun, fossils digs and photo opps. Dinosaurs planning to make an appearance for this event include Suchomimus, Carnotaurus, Citipati, Diabloceratops, Dilophosaurus, Utahraptor, Pachyrhinosaurus, Triceratops, Tyrannosaurus Rex and more.
There is a separate ticket price of $5 (in addition to Zoo admission) for ages 2 and up for this exhibit. Visit www.lazoo.org/dinosaurslosangeleszoo to learn more and to purchase tickets in advance.