City of Thousand Oaks to Release One Million Ladybugs

On April 18, the City of Thousand Oaks released 375,000 Ladybugs in the Newbury Park and Westlake areas of the City. An additional 750,000 are scheduled to be released in May and the release sites will vary depending on locations and populations of pest insects. The release of Ladybugs is part of the City's Integrated Pest Management Program. The Program releases bugs that are beneficial to the environment annually.

The release of Ladybugs provides a natural method of protecting plant life. During its lifecycle, a single Ladybug can eat up to 5,000 insects that harm plants such as Aphids, Thrips, White Flies, and Scale. By utilizing Ladybugs as a means of biological control, the City is able to substantially reduce the need for chemical insecticides.

Additional information on the City’s Beneficial Bugs Program will be available at this year’s Public Works Week Open House on May 22 and 23 at the City’s Municipal Service Center.