Police Volunteers Offer Valuable Services to the Residents of Thousand Oaks

The Thousand Oaks Police Department has a team of dedicated volunteers who provide valuable police-related services to residents of the Conejo Valley. The Department's Volunteers in Policing (VIP) can be seen patrolling our streets in specially marked vehicles or staffing Police Resource Centers located throughout the city. Our VIPs are giving back to their community, so please take advantage of the services they offer!

Please call any of the three local Police Resource Centers for the following services:

Vacation House Checks – VIPs will check your home for you while you’re away looking for any signs that the safety of your home could be compromised.

Fingerprinting Services for Job Seekers – for situations when you need an ink rolled fingerprint for background check purposes.

Kid Prints – VIPs will fingerprint your child (from ages 2-17) for free. The card is for identification purposes only and will provide important instructions for the parents in the event your child is lost.

Our VIPs respond to calls for service in the community which is a big help for the deputies. The volunteers have also been instrumental in finding at-risk missing persons by using their vast knowledge of our city’s geography. With a group average of 35,000 hours donated yearly, our team is helping to keep our city safe. Please don’t hesitate to take advantage of the services offered by our Volunteers in Policing!

Police Resource Center locations and phone numbers:

Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza (behind ticket window)
Phone: 805.449.2760
2100 East Thousand Oaks Blvd

The Oaks Mall (1st level outside women’s Macy’s)
Phone: 805.497.3235
350 West Hillcrest Drive

Newbury Park Library
Phone: 805.375.5630
2330 Borchard Road, Newbury Park