Rotary Club of Thousand Oaks Sunrise Spearheads New Special Needs "Dreamcatcher Playground" Project

Old Meadows Park at 1600 Marview Drive, Thousand Oaks houses the Therapeutic Recreation Unit of the Conejo Recreation and Park District, which provides recreation programs for Conejo Valley residents with disabilities. There is an existing special needs playground at the park but the playground needs to be expanded and refurbished. The popularity of this playground has steadily increased due to expanding awareness of the playground and its special features, the steady rise in incidence of autism.

Currently, there is opportunity to increase the square footage of the playground at Old Meadows Park. The Rotary Club of Thousand Oaks Sunrise is spearheading the effort to improve, modernize and expand the playground. Through careful research and a survey of the special needs community, the Rotary DreamCatcher Playground will be designed with great sensitivity to the needs, comforts and inclusion of special populations and their families.

The playground will include active and passive play areas allowing children to engage in stimulating activities, and areas to which they can retreat and calm themselves after anxiety-producing experiences while remaining close by to other children, parents or caregivers.

The goal is to raise $500,000 through funding partners and fundraising activities with the project completed in phases by 2016.

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