There's a "Sign" That A Baskin-Robbins Will Be Opening in Thousand Oaks

Update 11/9/12: This newest Conejo Valley Baskins Robbins opened about a week and a half ago! 1769 E. Avenida de los Arboles, Thousand Oaks (805.409.7431)

Posted 8/17/12: There are Baskin-Robbins 31 Flavors in Westlake Village, Newbury Park, Agoura, Simi Valley, Moorpark and other Ventura County locations but at this moment in time there is no Baskin-Robbins within Thousand Oaks. By the looks of the sign at the Oakbrook Plaza on Avenida De Los Arboles in Thousand Oaks, it appears another ice cream shop will be gracing our presence. It is perhaps strategically located next door to Cardio Barre to provide additional incentive for a good workout.

No details or word on open date currently available. Check and let us know so we can add yet another ice creamery to this list of over 80 such places around Ventura County.
