What Have I Been Doing Since Running a Marathon Four Weeks Ago?
/The Malibu Marathon was exactly four weeks ago and my training has not been focused on any particular goal. And that is a good thing, as I could use a physical and mental break.
Candy grabbing with the kids this holiday season. Darn you, WalMartI've been asked a number of times what my next race is. My answer: I dunno...yet. Gotta get my head back in the game, and that may not happen until the new year. Just too tired to think about it at this point. I was hoping for a more solid marathon performance (for me) that would propel me towards a Spring 2013 marathon. But since that didn't happen, I'm in "wait and see" mode.
The good news is that I feel I'm pretty much over all my nagging little injuries...calf strain that messed with my final marathon preparation...and nagging knees. Now I'm running just fine, but tired. Physically tired due to inadequate sleep. But I'm running and happy about that!
Here's what I've done running-wise since the marathon. Warning, this is quite uninteresting.
11/11: Ran marathon
11/12: Rest day
11/13: Walked 1.5 miles
11/14: Walk/jogged 2.5 miles
11/15: Ran 3.5 slow miles
11/16: Ran 4.5 slow miles
11/17: Ran 5.5 slow miles
11/18: Ran 6.5 slow miles
11/19: Ran 5.5 miles
11/20: Ran 6.5 miles
11/21: Ran 7 miles
11/22 (Thanksgiving): Ran 4 miles
11/23: Ran 5.5 miles
11/24: Ran 5 miles
11/25: Ran 5.5 miles
11/26: Ran 4.5 miles
11/27: Ran 4 miles
11/28: Ran 4.5 miles
11/29: Ran 3 miles
11/30: Ran 5 miles
12/1: Ran 8 miles
12/2: Ran 4 miles
12/3: Ran 2 miles
12/4: Ran 4.5 miles
12/5: Ran 5.5 miles
12/6: Ran 5.5 miles
12/7: Ran 5.5 miles
12/8: Ran 6 miles
12/9: Ran 8 miles
So after 3 days of no running, a total of 133 miles down the hatch since marathon day. This holding pattern will probably continue through December...