Rotary Dreamcatcher Playground at Old Meadows Park in Thousand Oaks

Old Meadows Park at 1600 Marview Drive, Thousand Oaks houses the Therapeutic Recreation Unit of the Conejo Recreation and Park District, which provides recreation programs for Conejo Valley residents with disabilities.

Phase of dreamcatcher playground features gently sloping turf hills and other neat features

The park includes a one-of-a-kind "SensAbility Playground," an interactive play area stimulating senses and abilities. The playground contains mat surfacing, rolling turf hills, large shaded areas, tree log swings, seagull swings, harmony chimes, hammocks, pod seats, picnic tables and many other cool features.

The area also features a butterfly garden, physical development apparatus with features that encourage climbing, crawling, jumping and so on, sensory processing and calming features and features that encourage socialization.

There are active and passive play areas allowing children to engage in stimulating activities, and areas to which they can retreat and calm themselves after anxiety-producing experiences while remaining close by to other children, parents or caregivers.

The playground features many unique play pieces including "Playville" miniature village, elevated sand table, "Sand Works", one back hoe digger, Tenor Marimba (a xylophone-like musical piece), Talking Bob, talking horns, a sign language panel and several sensory panels.