Cool Summer = Great Long Run Training
/It is rare when I have a long run where I feel "perfectly fine" afterwards...not too tired, worn down by the sun, dehydrated, starving, etc. Today was one of those rare days!
Thank you extraordinarily cool summer temperatures here on the west coast this year! According to a Wall Street Journal online article today, Los Angeles area temperatures in July were nearly 5 degrees lower than historical norms. It has been extremely noticeable around here and I LOVE IT!!
Today was an exceptional day for a long run. I awoke without alarm at 6:20 a.m. and was out of the house by 6:35 a.m. It has been awhile since I described my pre-long run procedures, which goes something like this: eat something very light, band aids on the nips, petroleum jelly on the toes, heels and underside of the feet prior to placing socks on, as well as some where inner thighs meet the running shorts and where shirt meets skin near armpits (chafing is the silent enemy of long'll ruin your run if you don't prepare for it).
Love my handy 4 bottle waist pack. Available at most running stores. Carry up to 4 different liquids if you want!Lightweight shirt on. Watch and shoes on (double-knotted of course). Cap on with some 4-5 tissues folded up underneath just in case needed for whatever reason. Light sunscreen on just in case the sun makes an appearance. Then grab water fluid belt and place 4 bottles of liquid (3 Gatorade, 1 water) in belt, which also holds 3 gel packets. Place belt on. Grab sunglasses (didn't use them...they sat on top of my hat the whole run). And I was off.
One planned pit stop 15 minutes into the run and otherwise I was non-stop today. Ran a loop course around Newbury Park. For whatever reason, I prefer one giant loop course over an "out and back" course and I haven't figured out why.
My goal today was to run at least 2 hours, given my previous long run 2 weeks ago was 1:54. I ran 2:09. Tonight I mapped out my run using, and discovered I ran a solid 17.5 miles, which equates to about a 7:22 pace. Training seems to be paying off!
The only thing bothering me tonight is my somewhat chronically sore left big toe. Better go ice it...