Conejo Valley Guide Facebook Page Followers Share Their Father's Day Plans
/Bunnies pondering their Father’s Day plans.
In a recent drawing on the Conejo Valley Guide Facebook Page, we asked folks what their Father’s Day weekend plans were. The response was outstanding and of course we’re going to share some highlights of these responses right here for future reference!
CVG Facebook Fan Selected Responses:
All the ladies in my family are going to cook for the amazing dads in our family. We are going to cook a traditional dish. Of course all of us are going to enjoy.
Chores at home and spending time together ❤️
My daughters and I will spend the morning baking my husband's favorite cake 🤪😊
We are going to church in the morning and then lunch with my husband's parents. Hopefully a relaxing day.
Both our kids will be over, we have not had any quality time since Christmas as we have been so busy with work, school, fixing house up and new puppy!
Channel Islands Harbor vintage boat show!
Church and family BBQ! (BBQ and lunch was a recurring theme).
Our Fathers Day plan is to bbq and play games with family and friends who have become family. Family is what my husband loves.
My husband and I are taking a Sunday drive along Mulholland and having dinner at PF Chang’s (lettuce wraps)
We have planned a family hike through Wildwood Park and then home for waffles!
We will be spoiling my husband with Fathers Day gifts and taking him out for lunch at Cheesecake Factory, one of his favorite places to eat. Not a bad day at all.
Going to the beach😎
Finney’s with my family, and seeing my father in law after!!
Going to the Channel Islands car show in the morning followed by bbqing at home with family 💙
Dinner at Bandits tonight. Miss the crowd!
BBQ swim party with family
My three boys and I are surprising my husband by making an omelette bar (*which is huge, cause I don’t cook 😂) and then we are all going bowling! 🎳
Spending time together as a family, and letting dad sleep in!
Taking my dad to breakfast then for a walk in Oak Canyon Park!
We don’t have plans for this Sunday for Father’s Day as my daughter's father (my hubby) is serving overseas. But he will be visiting later this we will celebrate then ❤️ Happy Father’s Day to all you wonderful daddies out there, near or far xoxo.
We are going to church and then out to a Fathers Day lunch at my favorite place. Then a nap 💤.
Here are some more ideas for future Father’s Day or any day for that matter plans: