Local Ojai Resident Son/Father Team Up to Publish "The Promise Doctrine"
/Craig Womack / Jason WomackJason Womack is a local Ojai resident known for traveling around the world training people how to master workplace performance (in fact, a previous employer of mine hired Jason to train our management team and to teach productivity at a large conference). Craig Womack has nearly 40 years of executive experience in the consumer product industry. This father and son team combined forces to publish "The Promise Doctrine," an easy to read guidebook help us keep our commitments! I asked 10 questions about the book and Craig provided these responses. For more information and to buy the book, check out www.thepromisedoctrine.com.
1. Tell me what The Promise Doctrine is about in 1 sentence.
The Promise Doctrine is a guidebook and system that readers can use to choose, manage, and accomplish what they are truly committed to, in life and at work.
2. Why did you decide to write The Promise Doctrine?
We came up with the idea for The Promise Doctrine as we listened to our peers, employees, friends, and family discuss how “hard it is, to do it all.”
3. What prompted you to team up with your dad in writing the book?
When we took on this project, a writing collaboration between father and son, we knew that we wanted to explore the dynamics of promise keeping. Publishing our book was the best way we knew of to share the importance of promise keeping with the world. First, we see each other as equals, with distinct strengths to share and learn from. Together, we were able to merge our backgrounds in business and in education, and bridge a generational gap that drives most people crazy. We did this through honest communication, regular check ins and meaningful acknowledgment of milestones along the way. These are principles we share and have lived by in our executive and teaching lives.
4. Is the book geared towards certain people or ages in particular? In other words, who should read this book!?
Our enthusiastic answer is: “EVERYONE should read this book”. We geared the book towards four broad target audiences:
- Results driven individuals and leaders who realize the power of a promise made and a promise kept
- Executives who lead successful companies
- Leaders and teachers who promote sustainable communities
- Parents who influence our future decision makers
5. How will reading The Promise Doctrine help me?
Of the following, which one have you heard yourself say lately?
- “How do I keep track of all that I’ve said yes to?”
- “Why did I say yes to that?”
- “How do I say no to the things that are taking me off course?”
- “What does on course look like?”
The Promise Doctrine shows you how to choose AND manage what you’re really committed to. Tools and strategies are provided to clarify, track, and help you deliver on your commitments.
6. Can The Promise Doctrine be applied to all aspects of life?
Here, we’ll use two quotes from our book: “Relationships, families, businesses, and organizations are defined by the promises people keep break, and renegotiate” (page 10 of The Promise Doctrine) “The more you do what you said you would do, trust builds and relationships strengthen. Truth is, people like people who keep their word.” (page 39 of The Promise Doctrine)
7. Will the book tell me to make less promises? How will this help me?
Actually, the book is about making more of the RIGHT promises.
8. What can you promise me about my reading this book?
It’s only 88 pages, and unlike some other books that you may have purchased, you will ACTUALLY READ this one! Also, by reading the book, you will gain a clarity of where you’re headed. When it’s clear where you’re headed, you can be true to your word. Being true to your word encourages achievement, honest, and teamwork in all areas of life and work. Who wouldn’t want that?
9. How can CVG readers buy this book?
The book is available through Amazon.com and signed copies are available for sale at www.thepromisedoctrine.com
10. Will it be available in electronic format?
The book was intentionally designed in print form to be interactive, thought provoking, current with long-term impact, and graphically powerful. We have included space to take notes and there are several written exercises in the book. An Audio version of The Promise Doctrine will be available later this year.