Time to Start Dialing More Numbers! The 818/747 Area Code Overlay is Coming on April 18th!
/Start re-programming those cell phones! On April 18th, the 818 area code will be "overlayed" with the brand new 747 area code. An overlay means both area codes will work in the same area and thus if you have an 818 number now, you can keep it. But...there's a catch. You now have to dial 10 digits (1-818-XXX-XXXX) instead of just 7 digits, even if you are calling from an 818 to another 818 number.
This new 1 + area code + phone number requirement begins on APRIL 19TH! So if you don't dial the 10 digit number on that date, your call will not be completed as dialed.
Are you excited about the prospect of getting one of those new 747 numbers!? Well, ya have to wait until May 18th for that to be a possibility.
The California PUC has a cool catchphrase: When in Doubt, Dial it Out! Much better than my idea: Dial 10 Digits, Not 7, Mental Midgets!
For more information about the change, call your phone company or visit www.cpuc.ca.gov/818areacode.
Why are they doing this? Because they are running out of 818 phone numbers, duh! For you old timers and history buffs, the 818 area code was born in 1984 as a geographic split from the 213 area code. (Woah, 818 is turning 25 this year! Yippee!). In 1997 the 626 area code was split out of the 818 code.
Will this affect us 805 area code people? Nah, we can just laugh and go "ha ha" to our 818 neighbors in Westlake Village, Agoura, Calabasas and beyond. But don't laugh too loud. This could happen to you too someday. The 805 area code has actually been around since 1957, having also been split out from gramma 213 (or is it grandpa?).
818/747 Overlay Map, Courtesy Cal PUC