The First and So Far Only Ventura County Dunkin' Location Opened in Camarillo in October
/Blurry night view of Dunkin’ Camarillo sign.
The first and so far only Dunkin’ (yes, “Donuts” was removed from their name in late 2018) in Ventura County is co-located with CBC Federal Credit Union at 300 Arneill Road in Camarillo (cross street Barry Street).
Before we move on, I know some of you are saying, hey, wait, there’s a Dunkin’ in Westlake Village. Yes, there is, but it’s the City of Westlake Village that is located in Los Angeles County, not the Thousand Oaks portion of Westlake Village located in Ventura County. (Learn more about this City of Westlake Village boundary situation at THIS LINK).
So anyhow, if you have a hankering for a Dunkin’ donut (notice donut is not capitalized), you can bank on one, so to speak, in Camarillo, across the street from a Jiffy Lube.
It’s easy to get there from Thousand Oaks if you’re looking to drive a bit farther for a Dunkin’ donut than Westlake Village. Just take the 101 north to Lewis and turn left on Lewis and a right on Arneill.
Dunkin’ Camarillo is open daily from 5 am to 9 pm . More info at,%20ca.