Wendy Drive NB 101 Freeway On-Ramp Closure in Newbury Park for 6 Weeks
The northbound on-ramp along the 101 Freeway at Wendy Drive will be closed for up to six weeks beginning Thursday, March 28th to allow for the next phase of construction on the Wendy/101 Interchange Improvement Project. The onramp is expected to re-open in May.
Currently, the only bike and pedestrian access on the Wendy overpass is along the north side. To maintain a safe passage of travel for pedestrians, bicyclists, and the contractor, Caltrans and City staff agreed a six-week full on-ramp closure is needed. The closure will provide ample space for the contractor as well as pedestrians and bicyclists crossing.
During the six-week closure, motorists traveling south on Wendy Drive wishing to go northbound, will be directed southbound on the 101 Freeway to Borchard Road for the Borchard Road northbound 101 Freeway on-ramp. City staff has notified Caltrans, law enforcement, and emergency responders of the planned closure.
View of the Wendy overpass from down below (southbound 101 Wendy offramp).
Motorists, pedestrians, and bicyclists are requested to use caution when traveling though the construction zone for their own safety and the safety of construction workers, and allow extra time due to the temporary construction congestion.
The Wendy/101 Interchange Improvement Project is scheduled to be completed on-time in September 2013. To learn more about the project, view detour maps and road closures please visit www.toaks.org/wendy101.