"Newbury Park Rocks" Group Proves to Be Quite Popular on CVG Facebook Page
/Image courtesy of Newbury Park Rocks Facebook Page
I didn't think much of it when a Facebook Page called "Newbury Park Rocks" contacted us to share a little about but what they do.
So what do they do? Well, apparently this is becoming "a thing" throughout the country. The group paints, hides and finds decorative, painted rocks in the Newbury Park area.
Grab a rock and paint something whimsical, funny, inspirational and/or uplifting on it. After it dries, place it somewhere, partially hidden, such that someone will discover and enjoy that rock.
Well that certainly is a fun idea! So I thought, OK, I'll make mention of it on a Monday late morning, on the Conejo Valley Guide Facebook Page and I'm sure a few folks will find it interesting.
Well on one count, I was right. Some folks did indeed find it interesting. But I was wrong on "a few," as over 160 people have clicked the "Like" button and the interest has been very strong. I'm certain other rock hiding groups will pop up throughout Ventura County.
Cute idea!