The Coolest Foam Coffee Cups You've Ever Seen!

Boey is a Foam Cup Artist based in Orange County. Yes, he draws pictures on disposable coffee cups! Boey does he!  I'd never seen anything like this as my boys and I enjoyed checking out his online gallery of cups today.  With Boey's permission, I've posted some of our favorites below.

It takes Boey anywhere from hours to weeks to months to create these unique pieces of art. And he sells many of these cups, nicely mounted on cork in a nice case for anywhere between $120 to $220.  Boey does not sketch the cups out, thus leaving little room for error.  If you are looking for a truly unique gift for someone...maybe the coffee drinker in your life...look no further!

The beauty of a work of foam cup art is that you can drop the cup and it won't break! Though actually drinking coffee in them would probably not be a smart move!  Learn more about Boey and his cool work at