Posting Political Signs in City of Thousand Oaks for November 6, 2012 Election
/September 22, 2012 marks the first day that political signs for the upcoming November 6, 2012 General Municipal Election can be posted in the City of Thousand Oaks. All political signs must be taken down no later than November 13, 2012. The term "political sign" refers to signs created prior to an election to advise or identify a candidate, campaign issue, election proposition, or other related matters.
The City asks that all candidates for public office, along with local residents and business or commercial property owners, comply with the Thousand Oaks Municipal Code for the placement of political signs. The City seeks to maintain an aesthetically pleasing appearance, while providing sufficient opportunity to increase voter awareness.
The following rules and guidelines apply to the posting of political signage in the City:
a) signs may be no more than 12 square feet and no higher than 6 feet;
b) signs may not be placed on public property, including parks, open space areas, or freeway ramps;
c) signs may not block or interfere with pedestrian walkways or vehicle sight distance at driveways or intersections; and
d) signs may not be attached to traffic signs, traffic signal poles, street light poles, street trees or any other structure in the street right-of-way.
For questions or complaints regarding signs placed in the public right-of-way, please contact the Municipal Service Center at (805) 449-2499 and press “0” for assistance. For compliance related issues regarding political signs on private property, please contact Code Compliance at (805) 449-2300.
Complete information on political sign regulations can be found on the City's website at