Santa Barbara County Parks, Beaches and Trails Remain Open for Day Use as of May 22nd

Santa Barbara County parks, open spaces, beaches and trails remain open for day use. Practice social distancing and adhere to guidelines for spending time outside alone or with household members only. Look for the less busy parks and open spaces in your neighborhood and visit those when possible. If parking lots are full then the park is too busy and you can come back another time. Limit your visits to about one hour so that others can use the park as well. Avoid loitering in parking lots. Working together we can prevent the spread of Covid-19 while keeping our parks, open spaces and beaches open for all to use. Continued violation of social distancing and group gathering guidelines could lead to park closure.

DAY-USE PARKS: All day-use parks and restrooms are currently open. Cachuma Lake and Jalama Beach remain open for a limited number of day-use vehicles.

BEACHES: All County beaches and beach access points are open. Maintain social distancing guidelines; no group activities allowed; do not block high traffic areas such as access points, stairs, ramps and hard-packed sand; consider going further down the beach to find space; limit your time at the beach so others may enjoy; no loitering in parking lots.

PLAYGROUNDS: All playgrounds in County Day-Use Parks and Neighborhood Open Spaces are closed.

BASKETBALL AND VOLLEYBALL: Basketball and Volleyball courts in County Day-Use Parks and Neighborhood Open Spaces are closed.

TENNIS COURTS: Tennis courts in County Day-Use Parks and Neighborhood Open Spaces are open.

GROUP AREAS: Group areas in all parks are closed; group reservations are cancelled.

BBQ and PICNIC TABLES: All BBQ and picnic tables in County Day-Use Parks and Neighborhood Open Spaces are closed.

DOG PARKS: All dog parks in County Day-Use Parks and Neighborhood Open Spaces are closed.

CAMPING PARKS: Cachuma Lake and Jalama Beach will open to camping on June 1st. Camping will be reservations only, no walk-ins will be accepted. Jalama cabins will be closed until June 11 and all existing Jalama cabin reservations during those dates will contacted by the county’s call center to cancel or reschedule.

GOLETA PIER: The Goleta Pier Boat Launch is closed.

JUNIOR LIFEGUARD PROGRAM: Hendry's JR Lifeguard program is cancelled for the Summer 2020 season.

COUNTY TRAILS: County trails are open with noted exception of Nojoqui Falls Trail being closed. Please hike alone or in family groups only; maintain social distancing of 6 ft; warn other of yours presence as you pass; step aside to allow others to pass; use trails during off peak times; if trail head parking is full then the trail is too busy and you can come back another time; no loitering at trail head parking.

Agoura Hills/Calabasas Community Center to Temporarily Close Until January 2021

2023 UPDATE: Yes, the center has been closed now for 3 1/2 years, a bit longer than originally planned, but plans are now to reopen the facility in early 2024. The center is undergoing major roof repairs, fresh paint, new audio/visual equipment, new flooring in the gym and much more.

The Board of Directors of the Agoura Hills/Calabasas Community Center Joint Powers Authority met on Thursday, May 21, 2020 at 6:30 pm to discuss the financial status of the Community Center and the potential for an extended temporary closure. After reviewing the Center’s major losses during the COVID-19 Pandemic and the liabilities that the Center will be responsible for in the next six months, the Board made the terribly hard decision to temporarily shut down operations as of June 1, 2020, with an anticipated re-opening in January 2021.

Regularly scheduled programs will not be held during the temporary closure; however, the Center is working on alternate solutions for all programs and will keep the participants and the public updated as these decisions are made. The JPA Board of Directors wants to make sure that the community is aware that this measure was not taken lightly and was approved with the hope of seeing the Center fully operational in the future. It has been a wonderful asset to the community over the past 20 years, and the Board is fighting to make sure that it will continue to be so despite the financial hardships it has undergone.

During the time that the Center doors are closed, the JPA Board of Directors, the Executive Director, and the two cities will work together to revitalize the Center with a plan that is sustainable and best serves the communities’ current and future needs. The JPA Board of Directors and staff want the community to be involved in this process and are looking for the community to share ideas, programs, and needs with the Board to help them make sure that the Center can remain a vital piece of the community. Please reach out to Brianne Anderson, Executive Director at to share comments regarding the Center in 2021 and beyond. Please make sure to follow our website and social media for meeting updates and additional opportunities to get involved in the process.

Refunds continue to be issued for any pending events, programs, memberships, camps, and security deposits. Memberships will continue to be placed on hold during this time and no charges will be made for anyone in our system.

For specific questions you may have regarding the temporary closure or if you would like to support the Agoura Hills/Calabasas Community Center during this time, please reach out to the Executive Director at Community members may also visit the Center’s website at for meeting and status updates.

County of Ventura Approved for Accelerated Reopening: Dine In and In Store Shopping Will Be Permitted Starting May 21st

The County of Ventura is the first and largest Southern California County to receive approval from the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) to move forward on an accelerated Stage 2 path to reopening. With this approval, Ventura County restaurants can now offer dine-in options and all retail businesses with exterior facing entrances are permitted to have customers inside of their stores.

Given increased statewide and local capacity to respond to COVID-19, including stronger preparedness, continued stability in the number of COVID-19 hospitalizations, as well as increased ability to provide personal protective equipment to workers in essential sectors, the State announced the new attestation opportunity for counties to move through Stage 2, opening additional sectors of their economy at their own pace. The modified State guidance was issued by the Governor on Monday, May 18.

Regular Stage 2 has included curbside retail, manufacturing and supply chain businesses. The Governor has allowed counties that apply and qualify for a variance to move further along into Stage 2 with seated dining. The County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to ratify the attestation on Tuesday, May 19 at the regularly scheduled Board meeting. It was submitted to the State on that same day. The State provided approval in less than 24 hours.

To qualify for the variance, counties must attest that hospitalization and test positivity rates are stable or declining; that they have a significant level of preparedness with testing, contact tracing, PPE and hospital surge; and that they have adequate plans related to county-wide containment.

Criteria also includes 1) the rate of positive Covid-19 patients hospitalized cannot be greater than 5% in the last 7 days. The County of Ventura is at -3.4% in the past 7 days. 2) Positive test results for the last 14 days can be no greater than 8% and our local number is 3.5%.

Restaurants and retail must register at and follow the guidance. Learn more about the California Resilience roadmap for state reopening at

The Public Health Officer will modify the Stay Well VC Order this evening. Dine in and in store shopping will be permitted effective Thursday, May 21, 2020.

COVID-19 Industry Guidance:

Shopping Malls, Destination Shopping Centers, Strip and Outlet Malls all with exterior facing entrances are permitted to open.

Dine-In Restaurants:

Here’s a small sampling of some of the dine-in restaurant guidelines from the state public health officer:

  • Provide disposable menus to guests and make menus available digitally to be viewed on a smartphone, if possible. If not possible, properly disinfect menus before and after customer use.

  • Do not leave out after-meal mints, candies, snacks or toothpicks for customers. Offer them with the check or provide only on request.

  • Reconfigure dining areas to allow for at least six feet of physical distancing for customers and employees.

  • Bar areas shall remain closed.

  • Face coverings strongly encouraged for all employees, but required for any employee who must be within six feet of customers (e.g. server, manager, busser).

  • Guests should enter through doors that are propped open or automated, if possible. Hand sanitizer should be available for guests who must touch door handles.

  • Visitors should bring and wear a face covering when not eating and drinking.

This guidance is for dine-in restaurants and brewpubs, breweries, bars, pubs and wineries that that provide sit-down meals.

More Businesses Permitted to Reopen in Ventura County Effective May 13th

More Business Permitted to Reopen in County of Ventura

The County of Ventura announces that more businesses are permitted to reopen on the State’s Roadmap to reopening. Governor Newsom announced modifications to the Statewide stay-at-home order today. The state has added more businesses to Early Stage 2. The Governor announced that counties, under the guidance of the Public Health Officer, can move forward in reopening office-based businesses, car washes, pet groomers, outdoor museums and other public spaces.

Stage 2: California is now open with modifications.

Early Stage 2, Part 1 in effect May 8, 2020

  • Curbside Retail - May 8, 2020

  • Manufacturers – May 8, 2020

  • Logistics – May 8, 2020

Early Stage 2, expanded in effect May 13, 2020

  • Childcare for those outside of the essential workforce

  • Office-based businesses (telework remains strongly encouraged)

  • Select services such as car washes, pet grooming and landscape gardening

  • Outdoor museums, and open gallery spaces and other public spaces with modifications

The Governor announced today that counties can work towards an accelerated path to reopening. While the criteria are high and intended primarily for small rural counties, we are working diligently toward achieving approval. Dine-in restaurants and shopping centers may be opened in counties that have received state approval for the accelerated path. The County has made progress in meeting the Governor’s requirements for moving forward. These steps have included: hospital surge and personal protective equipment capacity; protection of high-risk patient populations: seniors, long term care facility residents, homeless and most recently expanded efforts in contact tracing capacity and testing. The efforts to protect our community health and our local economy are aligned. Investing in these public health steps will benefit the health of our community as well as our local economy.

The following sectors, businesses, establishments, or activities are not permitted to operate in the State of California at this time:

  • Personal services such as hair and nail salons, tattoo parlors, gyms and fitness studios

  • Hospitality services, such as bars, wineries, tasting rooms and lounges

  • Entertainment venues, such as movie theaters, gaming facilities, pro sports, indoor museums, kids’ museums and gallery spaces, zoos, and libraries

  • Community centers, public pools, playgrounds, and picnic areas

  • Religious services and cultural ceremonies

  • Nightclubs

  • Concert venues

  • Live audience sports

  • Festivals

  • Theme parks

  • Hotels/lodging for leisure and tourism

City of Thousand Oaks City Council Conducts Prescreen of Kmart Site Redevelopment Project

UPDATE: City Council voted 3-1 to allow the developers to prepare an application to propose moving forward with the project. This was just a “prescreen.” The actual project has not been approved as of yet.

Tonight the Thousand Oaks City Council conducted a prescreen of an application to redevelop the former Kmart location at 325 Hampshire Road. Information on the project can be viewed at

The proposed project includes two mixed used buildings with 388 units and two townhome buildings with 71 units, as well as a 2,400 square foot community building. Total site area is 513,525 square feet, with 25% open space.

Kmart Redevelopment.png

Los Angeles County Beaches Will Reopen to the Public for Active Use on May 13th

zuma beach.JPG

Yesterday, it was announced that Los Angeles County beaches will reopen to the public on May 13th, subject to the following rules:

  • Active use only - Swimming, surfing, running, walking, individual/family activities and exercise.

  • No sunbathing, sitting on the sand, canopies, coolers or picnicking.

Physical distancing of at least 6 feet from others and face covering when outside the water and around others is required.

Beach parking lots, bike paths, piers and boardwalks remain closed at this time.

Santa Monica Mountains to Reopen Trails and Parking Lots on Saturday, May 9th


The National Park Service announced today that trails and parking lots will be reopening in the Santa Monica Mountains tomorrow.

Visitor centers at King Gillette Ranch and the Satwiwa Native American Cultural Center will remain closed for the time being. Solstice Canyon trails and parking lots will also remain closed.

Proper 6 foot social distancing must continue to be practiced. Bring a mask and wear it when you pass other people. Do not gather in groups - head outdoors with members of your household only. NPS encourages use of your nearest trails.

More details at

Trails in the Conejo Open Space to Reopen on Weekends Beginning May 9th

Sunset Hills Trail in Thousand Oaks

Sunset Hills Trail in Thousand Oaks

Today, the Conejo Open Space Conservation Agency (COSCA) announced that trails are now open on weekends. Trailhead parking lots, except for the lot in Hill Canyon, remain temporarily closed.

The change in policy is being implemented based on the reopening of other outdoor areas in Ventura and Los Angeles Counties. Starting May 9th, some, but not all, trails will be open in Los Angeles County, making more trails available regionally. Additional Ventura County trails are also expected to open. Making more outdoor space available meets community needs related to physical and mental health and provides additional outdoor space where residents can enjoy nature while maintaining required social distance.

COSCA reminds visitors that the coronavirus will remain in our community for an extended time, and this is not the end of social distancing and County health orders. Visitors must take responsibility for their personal and community safety when out in public. Compliance with the Ventura County Stay Well at Home Order, as well as posted COSCA directives and recommendations, are essential to this effort.

Physical distancing practices should continue (at least 6 feet). Do not gather in groups. Stick with members of your household. Do not congregate.

More information at