Volunteer Opportunities in Ventura County


Looking for a job? Why not help yourself by filling in the gaps in your resume with new experiences while helping others! Or if you are just looking to give back to the local community, there are hundreds of opportunities to volunteer throughout Ventura County. Here's where to find volunteer opportunities:

The United Way of Ventura County hosts www.VolunteerVenturaCounty.org, which lists numerous upcoming volunteer opportunities.

Since 1998, VolunteerMatch.org has helped volunteers find over 4 million volunteer matches at over 60,000 non-profits across the country.

Or visit the Local Charities section of Conejo Valley Guide and you'll find over 100 Ventura County area non-profit organizations, most of which could use your help. I clicked a few and found plenty of volunteer needs publicized on each entity's website, like MANNA Food Bank, L.I.F.E. Animal Rescue in Agoura, Hospice of the Conejo, Friends of the Thousand Oaks Library, and CareGivers - Volunteers Assisting the Elderly.

You could also join one of over 80 service organizations in the Service Clubs section of CVG. The Rotary, Kiwanis, Optimist, Assistance League, Lions Club and other organizations provide needed services to others in need. 

ActionVC is a non-profit that seeks volunteers to serve the vulnerable in our local community. www.actionvc.org/volunteer

Habitat for Humanity of Ventura County seeks volunteers at www.habitatventura.org/volunteer.

The Ventura County Resource Conservation District seeks volunteers to further its mission to conserve the natural resources of Ventura County at www.vcrcd.org/volunteer.

The Ventura County Medical Reserve Corps is a volunteer network that provides support for public health, emergency response, first aid services for local events and other local needs. www.venturacountymrc.org

Volunteer opportunities in Thousand Oaks: toaks.org/departments/human-resources/volunteer

Volunteer opportunities in Simi Valley: www.simivalley.org/index.aspx?page=355

Volunteer opportunities in Camarillo: www.cityofcamarillo.org/departments/city_manager/volunteers.php

Volunteer opportunities in Moorpark: moorparkca.gov/389/Volunteering-in-Moorpark

Volunteering in the City of Westlake Village: www.wlv.org/index.aspx?nid=320

Volunteering for the County of Ventura: hr.ventura.org/volunteer

How about the National Park Service? Check the local Santa Monica Mountains volunteer opportunities and Channel Islands National Park volunteer opportunities.

Also check out the volunteer opportunities with the Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority. mrca.ca.gov/educational-outreach-programs/volunteer-2

And more links to volunteering opportunities:

Conejo Recreation and Park District www.crpd.org/support/volunteer

Pleasant Valley Recreation and Park District www.pvrpd.org/volunteer

Rancho Simi Recreation and Park District www.rsrpd.org/recreation/volunteers.php

Los Robles Hospital volunteer opportunities for adults and high school students www.losrobleshospitalvolunteers.com

Thousand Oaks Library www.tolibrary.org/services/get-involved/library-volunteers

Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Conejo Valley www.bgcconejo.org/get-involved/volunteer

Food Share of Ventura County foodshare.com/volunteer

Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (Oxnard, Ventura, Camarillo and Port Hueneme) www.oxnard.org/recreation/senior-services/rsvp-volunteer

St. John’s Pleasant Valley Hospital in Camarillo www.dignityhealth.org/central-coast/locations/pleasantvalley/about-us/volunteering

Ride On Therapeutic Horsemanship in Newbury Park www.rideon.org/volunteer.php

Shelter Hope Pet Shop in Thousand Oaks shelterhopepetshop.org/help

Conejo Players Theatre in Thousand Oaks conejoplayers.org/volunteer

Rancho St. Francis in Newbury Park www.ranchostfrancis.org/Volunteers.htm

Ventura County Sheriff’s Office Volunteers in Policing Program www.venturasheriff.org/volunteers/volunteers-in-policing

New West Symphony in Thousand Oaks newwestsymphony.org/volunteer

Conejo Free Clinic www.conejofreeclinic.org/volunteers

Interface Children & Family Services www.icfs.org/volunteer

Boys and Girls Clubs of Conejo Valley www.bgcconejo.org/get-involved/volunteer

Senior Concerns in Thousand Oaks seeks volunteers for its Adult Day Care Center, Meals on Wheels and other programs. www.seniorconcerns.org/volunteer

James Storehouse in Newbury Park seeks volunteers for its work supporting children in need. Visit www.jamesstorehouse.org/volunteer to apply.

Cancer Support Community Valley/Ventura/Santa Barbara seeks volunteers cancersupportvvsb.org/about-us/volunteer-opportunities

Conejo Open Space Conservation Agency seeks volunteers for trail watch, trail work days, Adopt-a-Trail and more. conejo-openspace.org/about/volunteer-opportunities

The Conejo Senior Volunteer Program provides opportunities for adults age 55+ to use their life experience and skills to meet local community needs. www.crpd.org/programs-sports/conejo-senior-volunteer-program

School on Wheels seeks volunteers to tutor children experiencing homelessness. schoolonwheels.org/apply-to-be-a-volunteer

The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary seeks volunteers ages 17 and up to join its local Channel Islands flotilla. Bring the USCG AUX your skills or join to develop your leadership skills through numerous free classes and workshops offered. The USCG AUX was established by Congress in 1939 to assist the Coast Guard in promoting boating safety. Volunteers assist the Coast Guard in non-law enforcement programs such as safety patrols, search and rescue, maritime security, vessel safety checks, public safe boating classes and watchstanding. Visit www.d11s.org to learn more.

Non-profit Step Up Tutoring seeks volunteers ages 16+ to tutor students online in underserved communities. Learn more at www.stepuptutoring.org/volunteer-tutor.

Trolley Services in Ventura County and Surrounding Areas

Trolley seen around town in Westlake Village

Trolley seen around town in Westlake Village

The term "trolley" is derived from a grooved conductive wheel attached to a pole that "trolls," or pulls along, an overhead wire to transfer electricity to a streetcar. The first large-scale trolley line in the world, the Richmond Union Passenger Railway, was a 12 mile system that opened on February 12, 1888 in Richmond, Virginia. This trolley service operated until November 25, 1949. 

You don't see many trolley buses anymore (San Francisco's historic streetcars are a well known exception), but here in Ventura County and adjacent areas we do have some electric trolleys in operation!

Camarillo: The City of Camarillo provides trolley service seven days a week, with 10 stops at various shopping centers in town in a 30 minute cycle. Fare price is $1 for adults and students, $.50 for seniors and ADA riders.

Ojai: The City of Ojai's Ojai Trolley Service has operated since 1989, providing low cost fixed route service with 45 stops over roughly five miles in Ojai, Meiners Oaks and Mira Monte.

Calabasas: Just east of us, City of Calabasas offers free trolley service on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 24 stops at various shopping and other venues.

Santa Barbara: The Santa Barbara Trolley Company is a commercial service that provides trolley tours to some of the area's great tourist venues Thursday to Monday.

Trolleys No More:

Ventura:  The Downtown Ventura-Harbor Trolley provided year-round free service to local shopping, tourist and hotel locations over an hour-long route, Wednesday through Sunday…until it closed operations at the end of March 2019.

Westlake Village: Previously provided a free trolley service on Fr/Sat nights during certain seasonal time frames in 2019. Program has been on hiatus since then but has been under consideration. Could be reinstated at some point; visit www.wlv.org for updates.

Forty-Seven Things to Do In Thousand Oaks

The City of Thousand Oaks was incorporated on September 29, 1964. Most of Newbury Park was annexed by the city in the 1960s/1970s. Casa Conejo, Newbury Park's first planned community built in the early 1960s and the Lynn Ranch area of Thousand Oaks are unincorporated areas of Ventura County that technically are not annexed into the City of Thousand Oaks. The City of Thousand Oaks also annexed the Ventura County portions of Westlake Village in 1968 and 1972. That said, this list also includes a few things to do in the City of Westlake Village.

Enough history for now! Let's look at the future...like tomorrow or this coming weekend. Here are 47* things to do in the City of Thousand Oaks in random order.

*It started out as 47 things to do but we've lost count since originally posting this.

View of Boney Mountain from the Rancho Sierra Vista/Satwiwa area.

View of Boney Mountain from the Rancho Sierra Vista/Satwiwa area.

Older version of City of Thousand Oaks sign.

Older version of City of Thousand Oaks sign.

Bench Yourself in the Conejo Valley

There are over 150 miles of public multi-use trails surrounding the Conejo Valley managed by the Conejo Open Space Conservation Agency and hundreds of miles more in the neighboring Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area. Learn more about these great trails here on Conejo Valley Guide.

All of this hiking, biking and running can make one tired. Not to worry...there are benches in strategic spots all throughout the area, all with great views! Here we highlight some of them. Click the images for more information about the trails that lead to these benches.

Views from Angel Vista Peak bench in Newbury Park.

Views from Angel Vista Peak bench in Newbury Park.

Bench at top of peak just east of Angel Vista Peak.

Bench at top of peak just east of Angel Vista Peak.

Bench at the top of "Space Mountain" on the Los Robles Trail West.

Bench at the top of "Space Mountain" on the Los Robles Trail West.

Bench with perfect sunset view off of the Autumn Ridge Trail in the Lang Ranch Open Space.

Bench with perfect sunset view off of the Autumn Ridge Trail in the Lang Ranch Open Space.

A bench on a hilltop overlooking the Conejo Valley on Los Robles Trail East Scenic Loop.

A bench on a hilltop overlooking the Conejo Valley on Los Robles Trail East Scenic Loop.

Bench on Los Robles Loop East Scenic Loop looking towards the south.

Bench on Los Robles Loop East Scenic Loop looking towards the south.

Benches at the top of Big Sycamore Canyon Road in Point Mugu State Park (adjacent to Rancho Sierra Vista/Satwiwa in Newbury Park).

Benches at the top of Big Sycamore Canyon Road in Point Mugu State Park (adjacent to Rancho Sierra Vista/Satwiwa in Newbury Park).

Another bench that overlooks Sycamore Canyon from the Boney Mountain Trail.

Another bench that overlooks Sycamore Canyon from the Boney Mountain Trail.

Image of the Upper Sycamore Canyon bench after the Rancho Sierra Vista area in Newbury Park was ravaged by the Springs Fire of 2013.

Image of the Upper Sycamore Canyon bench after the Rancho Sierra Vista area in Newbury Park was ravaged by the Springs Fire of 2013.

Upper Sycamore Canyon bench was subsequently replaced. Here it is in April 2014.

Upper Sycamore Canyon bench was subsequently replaced. Here it is in April 2014.

Bench on the west side of Tarantula Hill in Thousand Oaks.

Bench on the west side of Tarantula Hill in Thousand Oaks.

Another view of the Tarantula Hill bench before sundown in June 2022.

This bench is located at the juncture of the Sunrise and Meadow Vista Trails in the Lang Ranch Open Space and the Long Canyon Trail in Simi Valley. Nice view towards Simi Valley.

This bench is located at the juncture of the Sunrise and Meadow Vista Trails in the Lang Ranch Open Space and the Long Canyon Trail in Simi Valley. Nice view towards Simi Valley.

Bench on Indian Creek Trail in Wildwood Park.

Bench on Indian Creek Trail in Wildwood Park.

Bench overlooking Bard Reservoir on the Sunset Hills Loop.

Bench overlooking Bard Reservoir on the Sunset Hills Loop.

Sunset Hills Trail bench in early spring 2023.

One of two benches in the hills above CLU overlooking Thousand Oaks.

One of two benches in the hills above CLU overlooking Thousand Oaks.

Oakbrook Vista Trail bench off of Lang Ranch Parkway in Thousand Oaks

Oakbrook Vista Trail bench off of Lang Ranch Parkway in Thousand Oaks

This bench on a hill connected to the Rancho Potrero trail in Newbury Park faces the west and gets you some nice views of several of the Channel Islands on clear days.

This bench on a hill connected to the Rancho Potrero trail in Newbury Park faces the west and gets you some nice views of several of the Channel Islands on clear days.

Bench off the Lizard Rock Loop trail on the west side of Wildwood Park.

Bench off the Lizard Rock Loop trail on the west side of Wildwood Park.

Bench with a view of Boney Peak from the Potrero Ridge Trail in Newbury Park.

Bench with a view of Boney Peak from the Potrero Ridge Trail in Newbury Park.

There are dozens of benches facing all directions in the beautiful hilltop Conejo Valley Botanic Garden in the heart of Thousand Oaks

There are dozens of benches facing all directions in the beautiful hilltop Conejo Valley Botanic Garden in the heart of Thousand Oaks

Another bench on the west side of top of the Conejo Valley Botanic Garden.

Another bench on the west side of top of the Conejo Valley Botanic Garden.

Bench overlooking the Potrero Grade from the Vista Del Mar Trail in Newbury Park.

Bench overlooking the Potrero Grade from the Vista Del Mar Trail in Newbury Park.

This is a new bench on the Vista Del Mar Trail in Newbury Park that made its premiere in 2023.

Bench on the El Encanto Trail in the Dos Vientos section of Newbury Park. Panaromic view towards Boney Mountain while catching the sunset.

Bench on the El Encanto Trail in the Dos Vientos section of Newbury Park. Panaromic view towards Boney Mountain while catching the sunset.

Bench with panoramic views at the top of the Triunfo Canyon Trail (part of the Los Robles trail system) in Westlake Village.

Bench with panoramic views at the top of the Triunfo Canyon Trail (part of the Los Robles trail system) in Westlake Village.

Enjoy views towards Newbury Park, Wildwood Park and so on from this bench on the Lynnmere Trail in Thousand Oaks.

Enjoy views towards Newbury Park, Wildwood Park and so on from this bench on the Lynnmere Trail in Thousand Oaks.

Bench at Box Canyon Overlook in Wildwood Park.

Bench at Box Canyon Overlook in Wildwood Park.

Bench #1 on the Albertson Motorway Fire Road Trail in Thousand Oaks.

Bench #1 on the Albertson Motorway Fire Road Trail in Thousand Oaks.

Bench #2 on the Albertson Motorway Fire Road Trail in Thousand Oaks.

Bench #2 on the Albertson Motorway Fire Road Trail in Thousand Oaks.

Bench off the Western Plateau Trail in the Conejo Canyons Open Space near the Hill Canyon Trail.

Bench off the Western Plateau Trail in the Conejo Canyons Open Space near the Hill Canyon Trail.

Another bench off the Western Plateau Trail. This one is marked by a “Vista Point” sign and is across from the Outlaw Trail juncture in the Conejo Canyons Open Space.

Another bench off the Western Plateau Trail. This one is marked by a “Vista Point” sign and is across from the Outlaw Trail juncture in the Conejo Canyons Open Space.

This bench is near Elliot Peak in the Conejo Canyons Open Space.

This bench is near Elliot Peak in the Conejo Canyons Open Space.

This bench is off the Outlaw Trail in the Conejo Canyons Open Space, not far from Elliot Peak.

This bench is off the Outlaw Trail in the Conejo Canyons Open Space, not far from Elliot Peak.

Another view from the bench atop Tarantula Hill….at sunset.

Another view from the bench atop Tarantula Hill….at sunset.

Bench off of the Santa Rosa Trail in Wildwood Park, overlooking Santa Rosa Valley

Cycling Clubs and Groups In and Around Ventura County


Any given Sunday morning I come across hundreds of bicyclists on my morning runs in the Thousand Oaks area and throughout Ventura County.

Here are some local cycling groups:

CLICK HERE for some family-friendly friendly bike path options around Ventura County.

And for some local BMX track options, Freedom Park BMX Raceway in Camarillo

Bike shops in the local area:

EBike shops:

Historical and Cultural Landmark Grandma Prisbrey's Bottle Village in Simi Valley


Grandma Prisbrey's Bottle Village in Simi Valley is a California Historical Landmark, Ventura County Cultural Landmark and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Bottle Village is a .3 acre lot located at 4595 Cochran Street that contains shrines, walkways, sculptures and buildings made from recycled items and discards from local landfills. All of these structures were built by hand over a 25 year old period by Tressa "Grandma" Prisbrey, beginning at age 60 in 1956 until 1972. Thirteen buildings and 22 sculptures in total.


A non-profit organization, Preserve Bottle Village (PBV), was formed in 1979. The 1994 Northridge Earthquake caused extensive damage to the Bottle Village site. PBV has embarked on a campaign to develop a master plan for the restoration of significant site components. Learn how you can help at bottlevillage.weebly.com. There’s also a more recent website, with link to social media and periodic tours, at www.bottlevillage.org.

Grandma Prisbrey sold the property in 1972 to care for an ailing son, but came back several years later to continue building and to give tours.  She died in 1988 at the age of 92.


Halloween Events and Activities In and Around Ventura County

Halloween season is upon us again! Halloween 2024 looks to be a fun time with this compilation of Halloween events taking place in Ventura County and surrounding areas.

Dates/times subject to change; contact event organizers to confirm. This list will be updated regularly. For calendar view, click here.

Pumpkin Patches in Ventura County and Surrounding Areas


Thu, Oct 31: SHINE Homeschool, Century Acadamy Trunk or Treat (12:30-2:30PM RSVP)

Thu, Oct 31: Halloween Carnival in Oak Park (3:30-6:30PM RSVP)

Thu, Oct 31: Halloween Carnival in Simi Valley (4-7PM RSVP)

Thu, Oct 31: Haunted High Street Event in Moorpark (4-7PM)

Thu, Oct 31: Trick or Treat at the Camarillo Premium Outlets (4-6PM)

Thu, Oct 31: Trick or Treat at The Oaks Mall (4-6PM)

Thu, Oct 31: Halloween in the Park in Camarillo (5-8PM)

Thu, Oct 31: Trick or Treat Haunted House in Thousand Oaks (5:30-9PM)

Fri, Nov 1: Festival de los Muertos Event in Newbury Park (4-9PM)

Sat, Nov 2: Dia de los Muertos Celebration at the Newbury Park Library (10:15AM-4PM)

Sat, Nov 2: Dia de los Muertos Event at Santa Paula Art Museum (Noon-3PM)

Sat, Nov 2: Dia de los Muertos Event at Pierce Brothers Santa Paula (11AM-5PM)

Sat, Nov 2: Dia de los Muertos Celebration at the Oxnard Performing Art Center (4-9PM)


Sep 28 to Oct 31: Underwood Family Farms Fall Harvest on the Farm in Moorpark

Sept 27 to Nov 2: Reign of Terror Haunted House at Janss Marketplace Thousand Oaks

Sept 27 to Nov 3: Nights of the Jack Halloween Experience at King Gillette Ranch

Oct 11-13, 18-20, 25-27: Santa Paula Theater Center “Ghostwalk” Event

Oct 18-20, 25-27: Boo at the Zoo at the Santa Barbara Zoo (5-8PM)

Sept 13 thru Oct 28: Ghost Hunter’s Experience at the Simi Valley Town Center

Oct 3 to 27: Nightmare at Santa Town (Child-Friendly Haunt) at Simi Valley Town Center

Daily: Interactive Walkthrough at “The Best Halloween Store Ever” Thousand Oaks

Cool Residential Displays (Click links for footage and more info)

Residential display synchronized to music at 1455 Valley High, Thousand Oaks

“Blackwood Cemetery” annual display at home on Blackwood Street in Newbury Park

Golden Crest Avenue in Newbury Park (Cross Street Antelope Place)

Annual awesome display at this home on Yew Drive in Newbury Park

Camino Dos Rios west of Lynn Road in Thousand Oaks

Flaming Star and Shenandoah in Thousand Oaks

Bernadine St and Wauneta St in Newbury Park

Donald Avenue, just east of Wendy Drive in Newbury Park

Mapleleaf Ave west of Madrid Ave in Newbury Park

Orangewood and Felton in Newbury Park

507 Yarrow Drive in Simi Valley

Feather Ave near Hendrix in Thousand Oaks

Calle Pecos, west of Calle Yucca, in Lynn Ranch section of Thousand Oaks

Carob Drive, south of Borchard in Newbury Park

Lakota Loop Family-Friendly Walkthrough Halloween Experience in Simi Valley on October 26, 27 and 31 from 6:30-9PM.

Past Events

Thu, Oct 17: VC Dept of CSS 3rd Annual Trunk or Treat in Camarillo (4-6PM)

Sat, Oct 19: Trail or Treat at Camarillo Grove Park (10AM-1PM; $5 hike requires RSVP)

Sat, Oct 19: Free Pumpkin Patch at the Simi Valley Town Center (10AM)

Sat, Oct 19: Spooks by the Sea at Portside Ventura (Noon-5PM)

Sat, Oct 19: Harvest Festival at Stagecoach Inn Museum (1-4PM)

Sat, Oct 19: Halloween Haunted Trail, Costume Contest and Trick or Treat Street in Thousand Oaks (6-9PM)

Sat, Oct 19: Rancho Simi Heritage Halloween and Magic in the Park (4-8:30PM)

Sat, Oct 19: Simi Valley YMCA Fall Fest and Trunk or Treat (3-6PM) (RSVP)

Oct 19-20: Boo at the Zoo at The Teaching Zoo in Moorpark

Sun, Oct 20: Calabasas Pumpkin Festival (10AM-5PM)

Mon, Oct 21: “Pick Your Own” Pumpkin Patch at Mizel Estate Wines (4-6PM)

Mon, Oct 21: Oxnard Police Department Halloween Spooktacular (5:30-7:30PM)

Wed, Oct 23: Halloween Celebration in Port Hueneme (5-8PM)

Wed, Oct 23: Trick-or-Treat at The Collection at RiverPark in Oxnard (5PM) (RSVP)

Thu, Oct 24: “Pick Your Own” Pumpkin Patch at Mizel Estate Wines (4-6PM)

Fri, Oct 25: Spooky Swim at Pleasant Valley Aquatic Center in Camarillo (5:30PM) (RSVP)

Fri, Oct 25: City of Malibu Bu Bash Halloween Carnival (Ages 2-10) (2PM-Sunset)

Fri, Oct 25: Frankenstein Ball at Camarillo Community Center (5-7PM Age 50+)

Fri, Oct 25: Spooky Town at the Simi Valley Town Center (5-9PM)

Fri, Oct 25: Spooky Swim at the Pleasant Valley Aquatic Center (5:30-8:30PM)

Sat, Oct 26: Dia De Los Muertos Festival at Conejo Mountain in Camarillo (10AM-5PM)

Sat, Oct 26: Peace Pumpkin Fest in Camarillo (10AM-3PM)

Sat, Oct 26: Howl-O-Ween Dog Costume Contest in Camarillo (10AM-1PM)

Sat, Oct 26: Camarillo Old Town BooFest Trick or Treating (Noon-4PM)

Sat, Oct 26: Howl-O-Ween Dog Costume Contest at Ventura Harbor Village (Noon)

Sat, Oct 26: Pumpkin Party at the Leonis Adobe Museum in Calabasas (1-4PM)

Sat, Oct 26: Pumpkin Festival at Christ the King Newbury Park (2-6PM)

Sat, Oct 26: Parade of Freights Marketplace at Harbor View Park, CI Harbor (2-9PM)

Sat, Oct 26: Downtown Ventura Costume Contest and Trick-or-Treating (3-7PM)

Sat, Oct 26: Spooktacular “Trunk or Treat” at Inside Car Guys Newbury Park (4-6PM)

Sat, Oct 26: Halloween Haunt in the Park at Plaza Park in Oxnard (4-7PM)

Sat, Oct 26: Fright Maze at Christ the King Newbury Park (5:30-9:30PM)

Sat, Oct 26: Songs, S’mores & Pumpkins at UMC of Thousand Oaks (6-8PM)

Sat, Oct 26: Channel Islands Harbor Parade of Frights (7PM)

Oct 26-27: Boo at the Zoo at The Teaching Zoo in Moorpark

Sun, Oct 27: Dia de los Muertos Celebration at Strathearn Historical Park (11AM-5PM)

Sun, Oct 27: Seaside Trick or Treat at Ventura Harbor Village (Noon-2PM)

Sun, Oct 27: Trunk or Treat at Iceoplex Simi Valley (2:15-6PM)

Mon, Oct 28: Camarillo Police Department Trunk or Treat (6-8PM)

Tue, Oct 29: Trunk or Treat at Thousand Oaks Post Acute (5:30-7:30PM)