Century Lake at Malibu Creek State Park

According to the Malibu Creek Docents, around 1903, the Crags Country Club constructed a 50 foot tall dam on its 2,000 acre property on what is now Malibu Creek State Park. The dam created a seven acre lake that club members used for fishing and duck hunting.

The Club closed in 1936, and 10 years later, 20th Century Fox Studios purchased the property to film movies and TV shows on what was renamed Century Ranch. The 1968 "Planet of the Apes" featured many prominent scenes shot here.

This is an awesome video showing Planet of the Apes (1968) film scenes at Malibu Creek State Park and local area beaches then and today.

As for the lake, it is now referred to as Century Lake, a hiking destination in Malibu Creek State Park. Only 1 1/2 miles from the parking area, Century Lake is in a secluded area, where you can eat your lunch at the picnic table and enjoy serenity (usually, depending on who else is there). I believe it is fine to wade in the water and even kayak in there if desired. although I've never seen anyone do so.

Century Lake is a left hand turn from the main Crags Road trail, after cresting the only significant hill going down the other side. The only indicator is this narrow sign.

Century Lake is a left hand turn from the main Crags Road trail, after cresting the only significant hill going down the other side. The only indicator is this narrow sign.

The hike has a moderately steep hill in it, but otherwise is quite flat and easy to do with kids and/or a stroller.

Malibu Creek State Park has something for everyone...camping, a visitor center, the "Rock Pool," the M*A*S*H set, the old Reagan Ranch, Century Lake, over 35 miles of trails, rock climbing (near the Rock Pool) and more.

The Century Dam is shown in this image. You don't wanna fall down that dam. Off limits.

The Century Dam is shown in this image. You don't wanna fall down that dam. Off limits.

Building of the Norwegian Grade from Conejo Valley to Camarillo 1909 to 1911

This historic photo and information was generously provided by Gerry Olsen, grandson of Nils Olsen, one of the original settlers in the Conejo Valley in the 1890s.

Back at the turn of the century, farmers in the Conejo Valley grew dry crops like barley and wheat and had to take their harvest to Port Hueneme/Oxnard via horse-drawn wagons. Their only routes were the treacherous (at the time) Potrero Road or down the unpaved Norwegian Grade to Santa Rosa Road.

So in 1909, with a $60 donation from the county to purchase dynamite, Norwegian families Olsen, Pedersen, other volunteers and paid helpers blasted into the hillside from Nils Olsen's property, 1 1/2 miles down to Santa Rosa Road.

It took two to three years to finish the project using the dynamite, manual labor and horse-drawn earth moving machines called Fresno Scrapers (named after a Scottish chap in 1883 who formed the Fresno Agricultural Works to manufacture it).  Here is a historic photo of these early Conejo Valley roadbuilders.

I used to run up the grade from time to time and that was a pretty tight squeeze, with its steep descent and cactus on the side of the road. While most of us take the 23/101 freeways to get to/from Thousand Oaks/Moorpark/Camarillo these days, the Norwegian Grade provides an alternate 2-lane route with a direct linkage to the gritty Norwegian settlers who had the guts and determination to build it.

Fun Things to Do in Historic Ojai, Ventura County's Smallest City

Ojai, Ventura County's smallest city with under 8,000 residents, is 40 miles from Thousand Oaks, the 2nd largest city in the county. This drive is well worth it if you're looking for a unique old town feeling right here in Ventura County.


Incorporated as a city in 1921, the Ojai Valley was once inhabited by the Chumash Indians. The name Ojai is derived from the Chumash word "Awhai," meaning "moon." Glass manufacturer Edward D. Libbey helped create the layout of Ojai. After a fire destroyed much of the town in 1917, the western-style town received a new Spanish Revival look.

View of the arcade and pergola in front of Libbey Park on Ojai Avenue.

View of the arcade and pergola in front of Libbey Park on Ojai Avenue.

The Ojai Post Office tower and portico was completed in 1917 and is a focal point for the city at the corner of Ojai Avenue and Signal Street. The tower was modeled after the Christopher Columbus Cathedral in Havana, Cuba, with additional details from Mexico. The tower complements the arcade and pergola along Ojai Avenue. You can't miss the one block arcade with its shops, eateries and art galleries.


Here's a selection of just some of the great things to do in Ojai:

The Ojai Valley Inn and Spa is a great local weekend getaway! Whether you stay there overnight or not, the Ojai Valley Inn's historic 18 hole golf course, 31,000 sq ft spa and fitness facility and four lighted tennis courts are available to local day trippers.

Libbey Bowl and Libbey Park are located in the heart of Ojai next to the downtown arcade area. Libbey Bowl, originally built in 1957 and completely renovated in 2011, is used for the annual Ojai Music Festival, Storytelling Festival, Ojai Day celebration, holiday events and much more. Libbey Park provides plenty of sitting areas, shade trees, a kids' playground in the heart of the city.

Strolling and shopping in the Ojai Arcade

Strolling and shopping in the Ojai Arcade

Founded in 1966, the Ojai Valley Museum at 130 West Ojai Avenue maintains an extensive collection of art, Native American baskets, pioneer tools and photographs of early days in Ojai.

Meditation Mount

Meditation Mount

Located on a 32 acre site overlooking the Ojai Valley, Meditation Mount is a public meditation center that has invited the public to its beautiful grounds since opening in 1970. Two hour visitation experiences are $12 at designated time frames. meditationmount.org

The Ojai Valley Trail provides cyclists, equestrians, runners and strollers a nine mile path paralleling Highway 33 from Foster Park on the north end of Ventura to Soule Park on west of downtown Ojai. My personal favorite activity in Ojai is riding bikes on this trail.

The Ojai Playhouse is a single screen theater originally built in 1914 that has been restored to its deco-style look inside and now shows first run movies in a theater that seats over 200 people. The Ojai Film Society hosts eclectic, independently produced movies here on Sunday afternoons.

NOTE: The Ojai Playhouse has been closed since January 2018 to restore the theater due to a water main break causing damage and flooding to the building. They anticipate re-opening in 2024. Check www.facebook.com/ojaiplayhouse for updates.

The Ojai Trolley Service provides transportation on a fixed route schedule throughout Ojai, Meiners Oaks and Mira Monte. Where else can you find a year-round trolley around here!?


Ojai Day was originally conceived in 1917, took a long hiatus in the 1920s, and came back in 1991 on the third Saturday of each October. The event showcases the best Ojai has to offer, with entertainment, a parade, art, food, games and much more. Visit www.ojaiday.com for more information.

One of my favorite activities with the kids just minutes from Ojai is the Lake Casitas Recreation Area, which includes the seasonal (Memorial Day to Labor Day weekend) Casitas Water Adventure. Though the water is not heated, the 1,200 foot lazy river and multi-level water jungle gym for the kids is sure to entertain you while cooling you off.

Casitas Water Adventure

Casitas Water Adventure

For other year-round things to do in Ojai, click here in the Do Something section of CVG or here for kids' activities. Or here for Fitness & Sports activities. And for upcoming Ojai events, click here. To learn more about the city, visit the City of Ojai website at ojaicity.org.

The Saticoy Southern Pacific Railroad Depot is on the National Register of Historic Places

Saticoy Southern Pacific Railroad Depot seen from Alelia Ave

The Saticoy Southern Pacific Railroad Depot is located in the unincorporated community of Saticoy at 11220 Azahar Street.

The depot, built in 1887, was designated Ventura County Historic Landmark no. 176 in May 2016. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2018.

The depot was built by the Southern Pacific Railroad along the line that was being constructed from Los Angeles to Ventura in 1887. The original town of Saticoy was laid out near the new depot. Its name comes from the Chumash village of Sa’aqtik’oy. 

The Saticoy Depot served rail that traveled through the Santa Clara Valley between Saugus to Ventura County. It was one of 14 Southern Pacific Railroad Depots in Ventura County - the others were Oxnard, Santa Susana, Santa Paula, Fillmore, Piru, Ojai, Camarillo, Moorpark, Sespe, Camulos, Somis, Montalvo and downtown Ventura. Only six of these remain today.

Saticoy Depot in 1956 (Museum of Ventura County)

Ventura County Area Listings in the National Register of Historic Places


The National Register of Historic Places is the official list of the Nation's historic places worthy of preservation. Authorized by the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, the National Park Service's National Register of Historic Places is part of a national program to coordinate and support public and private efforts to identify, evaluate and protect America's historic and archaeological resources.

There are over 80,000 listings in the National Register in five general categories: building, structure, site, district and object.

To be considered eligible for the Register, a property must meet the National Register Criteria for Evaluation. This involves examining the property’s age (generally at least 50 years old), integrity and significance.

To learn more about the National Register of Historic Places and to search its database, visit www.nps.gov/subjects/nationalregister/index.htm.

Now let's highlight Ventura County area properties listed in the Register as of November 2024. Most of these you can visit (links provided where applicable):

Other nearby historic places:

Tell Me About the History of the Street Names in Casa Conejo in Newbury Park

Casa Conejo is an unincorporated Ventura County community of about 1,000 homes located in Newbury Park. Casa Conejo is a rectangular shaped island within Thousand Oaks city limits, but is not part of the city. Although Casa Conejo is considered part of Newbury Park, it is not part of the majority of Newbury Park within the boundaries of the City of Thousand Oaks.

Casa Conejo Map.jpg

Premiering in 1960, Casa Conejo was the first planned community in Newbury Park. Several folks have asked about the origin of the street names in Casa Conejo. Here goes (with the help of a relative of the original developers):

Louis Lesser Enterprises developed Casa Conejo. Members of the Lesser and Malat families created the street names; hence Lesser and Malat Drives, Rudman Drive came from Louis Rudman, also related through marriage to the Lessers, and who managed home sales.

malat and lesser.jpg
rudman and lesser.jpg

William Malat (William Drive) had twin sons, Melvin (Melvin Ct) and Gerald (Gerald Drive). William's wife was Ethel (Ethel Ct). Louis Lesser's wife was Jeanne (Jeanne Ct). Louis Lesser's brother, Alvin "Sonny" was married to Martha (Martha Dr). Louis Rudman's wife was Shirley (Shirley Dr), who was also Ethel’s sister. One of Sonny's daughters is Dena (Dena Dr).

dena and gerald.jpg

Ben (Ben Ct) and Lily (Lily Ct) were Louis and Alvin Lesser's parents. Michael (Michael Drive) is a cousin (by marriage) of the Lessers and Malats. Cathy (Cathy Dr) and Francine (Frankie Dr) were two of Louis and Jeanne’s four children. Lisa Rudman (Lisa Ct) is related to the Rudmans (I suspect their daughter).

The jackpot winner was WENDY, who has by far the longest street, not to mention a freeway on/offramp and overpass, named after her! Wendy, who lives in AZ, is a granddaughter of William Malat and daughter of Melvyn. Before it became Wendy Drive in mid-1961, it was called Avenida de la Felicidad.

There are a couple dozen other streets in Casa Conejo that I don’t have the source for at this time, but perhaps I’ll do some more digging:

North/South Streets: Jenny Drive, Gerst Drive, Ruth Drive, Lois Ave, Dorena Drive, Kitty St, Bella Dr, Randy Dr, Debbie St, Cay Ct, Henry Dr, Devia Dr, Virginia Dr, Nellie Ct, Bob Ct, Elinor Ct.

East/West Streets: Gloria Dr, Carl Ct, Alice Dr, Lynn Ct, Lois Ct, Verna Ave.

wendy drive.jpg

The Story Behind Those Historic El Camino Real Bell Markers on the 101 Freeway

Like me, perhaps you've wondered about those unique bell markers seen frequently on the 101 Freeway with the sign that says "Historic El Camino Real."

One of those ubiquitous Historic El Camino Real bell markers we see along the 101 Freeway.

One of those ubiquitous Historic El Camino Real bell markers we see along the 101 Freeway.

El Camino Real is Spanish for "The Royal Road" and in California is the name for the 700 mile historic California Mission Trail that connects 21 missions, 4 presidios (military forts) and several pueblos (towns) from Mission San Diego de Alcala in the south to Mission San Francisco Solano in Northern California. El Camino Real is designated as California Historical Landmark #784.

California State Assembly Bill 1707 defined the El Camino Real route, which includes portions of Routes 280, 82, 238, 101, 5, 72, 12, 37, 121, 87, 162, 185, 92, and 123 and connecting city streets and county roads in a continuous route from Sonoma southerly to the international border.

So what's up with those bell markers on the 101? According to the California Department of Transportation, the Mission Bell Marker system has existed on the historic El Camino Real route since 1906. The original marker system called for installation of bells one mile apart along the entire length of the El Camino Real. By 1913, over 450 markers were in place, but over the years the bells were removed due to damage, vandalism and theft. In 1959, the Division of Highways was legislatively mandated to maintain the marker system. Legislation in 1974 reiterated that responsibility.

Caltrans initiated a plan to maintain the system beginning in 1974, when less than 100 of the original Mission Bell Markers remained. The bells are exact copies of the original 1906 bells; in fact, the original bell molds were used to fabricate the new bells. Mission Bell Marker locations were chosen based on safety, constructability, visibility and scenic quality of the site. Spacing between marker locations varied based on existing site conditions and limitations. An average spacing of 1 to 2 miles was sought when identifying the locations.

The Caltrans Landscape Architecture Program began in 1996 to fulfill its vision to restore the historic El Camino Real Mission Bell Marker system from San Diego to Sonoma. The portion of the system from San Diego to Los Angeles was not addressed by the restoration project because those bells are mostly located on local streets outside of the State’s jurisdiction. The first phase of the restoration project, between Los Angeles to San Francisco, was completed in early 2005. The second and final phase of the restoration project was completed between San Francisco and Sonoma in late 2012. The Mission Bell Marker system as originally envisioned in the earlier part of the last century has finally been realized!

Caltrans received nearly $2 million in Transportation Enhancement grants to fund restoration of the Mission Bell Marker system on the El Camino Real from Orange County to Sonoma. Funding was received for the manufacture and placement of 585 Mission Bell Markers, placed approximately one to two miles apart along the roadside in the northbound and southbound directions of State Routes 101, 82, 37, 121, and 12. Mission Bell Markers located within the roadside of a state route are maintained by Caltrans. Maintenance of Markers located on local streets are the responsibility of the local entity.

So that explains why you see all of those interesting bell markers on the 101 Freeway! How would you like to have one of these authentic California El Camino Real Bell Markers in your own yard!? Visit the California Mission Bell company website at www.californiabell.com.

Older El Camino Real bell marker on display at the Old Mission Santa Barbara.

Older El Camino Real bell marker on display at the Old Mission Santa Barbara.